10 Super Motivational Quotes !!!!

  1. The BIGGER the failure, the BETTER the Lesson learnt. Don’t be afraid to fail

  2. U are Amazingly UNIQUE and therein lies your SUPER POWER.

  3. Always BELIEVE U CAN. CHOOSE to be an OPTIMIST.

  4. Your WILL to WIN and your SPIRIT to Excel is what TRULY matters in the end…

  5. Don’t stop when it hurts…. Stop when you are done cause you will never know your limits unless you push yourself to them…

  6. You are never too old to SET a NEW GOAL so DREAM BIG… & Go for it… Make SKY your canvas and paint it with colors of your Imagination…

  7. If LIFE is tough …. so WHAT?…. SO ARE YOU .. Get along with courage, enthusiasm , perseverance, patience & conviction.


  9. Never Look back to REGRET. There is no point. It can’t be changed. And you are not going that WAY….

  10. NEVER lose your sense of WONDER….JUST be YOU….. AIM with Passion… It never fails… Opportunities don’t happen…. Go out & CREATE THEM… All the best.

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Stay Blessed… Stay Motivated… 

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