Vegan Recipes, Vegetarian Recipes and Motivational Quotes. LIVE SMART, BE WISE, THINK FRESH.

Tag: Help Page 2 of 4

Help others achieve their dreams and…


Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours-Les Brown-Quotes

Help others achieve their dreams


you will achieve yours.

-Les Brown

HealthyThoughts – The Mind is Everything!

Help Someone…


ronald regan-quotes-help-someone


I help Miss A,

Miss A helps Miss B

Miss B helps Mr C

Mr C helps Master D,

Master D helps Mr E,

Mr E helps Miss F,

Miss F helps Miss G,

Miss G helps Me!

Since today I can, so I am helping you…

Please continue this helping chain,

as tomorrow when I need help and Miss G needs to be motivated and willing to help!

As Mr Ronald Regan so rightly said:

We can’t help everyone…

but everyone can help someone.

HealthyThoughts – The Mind is Everything!

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